Monday, May 28, 2012

Chocolate Banana Milkshake

As the weather got hotter these days, it's always nice to cool it with something sweet. I had a wonder milkshake at somebody's house last week and loved it so much. Did a little search on it to share it in my blog and came up with this super easy recipe to make. It's so simple that you can even make it before going to school, collage or work. Won't take more than 10 min.

This milkshake recipe is perfect for hot summer days and it's truly easy to prepare! 
What I also love about it is you only need 3 ingredients!

 Here I show you how to make a chocolate banana milkshake.

So I've used banana in this example, but you can use pretty much any fruit you like. Here are some ideas: raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, peach, orange. You can really diversify this recipe by choosing your type of ice cream. The two guaranteed popular choices are vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream. I decided to use chocolate ice cream, mmmm chocolate! Go wild and experiment with other kinds of ice cream with your fruit choice! I chose to use 2% lactose free homogenized milk (I am lactose intolerant). Another idea is to use soy milk. I've tasted a soy milk banana milkshake once and the taste was very interesting! 

Total time: 10 min
Ingredients (2 servings):
2 bananas
2 cups of milk (or soy milk)
2 to 4 tablespoons of ice cream
Part 1 (10 min)
Peel and cut the banana (1). Put the banana pieces in the blender container and add half the milk (2). Blend it well (about 30 sec) (3). Pour the remaining milk, then add the ice cream (4). Blend it well (about 30 sec) (5). Pour the banana milkshake into glass (6).

making milkshake part 1 
 Serve right away =) 
 chocolate banana milkshake

 Source: [Link]


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