Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Minutes Friday: Focus

It's Friday where we join Lisa-Jo to write for 5 minutes every week.

5 minutes only , you speak your mind about that certain topic. No backing, no over thinking. Just let your heart write whatever it has. It doesn't matter if it's written right or wrong. Express yourself and be free. 

Won't you join me too for today's topic which is about: Focus

I'll set the timer on 5 minutes, ready?


Lately things have been really stressful, whenever anything happens I blame it on my job right away. This is like the first job for me and I kinda couldn't manage to make a balance with my life activities and the work so I was thinking a lot about leaving it.

When this year started I planned many things to do but none are at the end cause I simply didn't start any or did some but cut off many time. I know the reason behind that is my mood. There are times when things don't go well at work so I come home upset and end up in bed. I blamed myself for that many time but thought also what will happen if I make a decision based on my emotion?! It'll be a disaster for sure!

Feelings change according to the situation we're going through so all I need is a bit of focus on what I really want and how to do it. Most importantly, living this life of busy work, family and myself. I need to learn that these things happen I'm the one who should let it go and do whatever I gotta do cause in the need it's all about how I was and what I did. Other things won't take the blame for my backing of failures, it's just me.  

I need to focus more on myself. 

More and more. 


What do you need to focus on lately?!


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