Monday, July 2, 2012

Best Chatting Application

I've tried many chatting application before. The first one I used was the messenger for Hotmail. It was okay since I can catch up with many things my friends do in social media and can chat with more than one person. But eventually I noticed that it has a problem with privacy. Many things show up without permission and there's no blocking for that. Plus, it's connected to my personal e-mail address which was an issue. 

Roaming around and looking for other applications I found the best one of them: 

It has many feature that made it so powerful and great for chatting: 

* It's not related to any e-mail unless you add it yourself 
* Chats as well as calls are allowed with it
* You can block people easily with receiving anything from them unlike messenger
* Make video calls for free of charge
* Make international and land phone calls. 

It has many other feature and great deals as well. To find out more and download the application just hit the main site for it [Link].


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