Friday, May 4, 2012

Five Minutes Friday: Real

It's Friday where we join Lisa-Jo to write for 5 minutes every week.

5 minutes only , you speak your mind about that certain topic. No backing, no over thinking. Just let your heart write whatever it has. It doesn't matter if it's written right or wrong. Express yourself and be free. 

Won't you join me too for today's topic which is about: Real

I'll set the timer on 5 minutes, ready?


Many years have passed by after my graduation from high school, I have thoughts about life back then. That it is easy, fun and nothing to it. I thought I can do everything once I step out of my house. Yes! That was what I thought. I never knew it's going to be thing hard and how it is now. 

It was then when I first realized when I got many rejection at job interview. It really broke my heart. I thought I know it all, I was not convinced with the situation and went trying many more times until it hit me and I gave up on developing myself more. At first I was upset about it but later I noticed that I indeed need more to learn. I mean I was just a kid and knowing the world now I should be continuous education not just for my job but for my life too. Then, I gained more and more until I reached that point where I was ready to be accepted.

It was such a job when I found myself in the real world working and helping the society like like a useful woman. I felt so proud and knew that my hard works didn't just vanished like that, they all bloomed into beautiful success fruit. It's the real life, take it or leave it you have to live with it cause it's reality




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