Friday, November 16, 2012

Five Minutes Friday: Stay

It's Friday where we join Lisa-Jo to write for 5 minutes every week.

5 minutes only , you speak your mind about that certain topic. No backing, no over thinking. Just let your heart write whatever it has. It doesn't matter if it's written right or wrong. Express yourself and be free. 

Won't you join me too for today's topic which is about: Stay

I'll set the timer on 5 minutes, ready?


Things get tough sometimes and we all know that. 

I sometimes think that I'm miserable than others but I think I'm the opposite this year. Ever since I was in school and before going to the wide world I thought I can handle anything no matter what. When I got this job I was so aced cause I told myself if ever anything happen or someone bothered me I'll leave at once!

It's so childish! I'm a spoiled girl I guess. The real world isn't like home or school, these troubles do come in and it's not running away from them will solve the problems, but rather staying there and working it out. 

I had many thoughts ever since I got to the year 2012, I thought in the old way when I was just in school. Things sure are different now. I faced many troubles at work and every time I told my family that I'll leave. They all disagreed with me and I took it as they don't understand me. By time taught me everything I needed to know and that I was the one who didn't understand them. 

It's been like 8 months since I said that and now I stay for almost a year. 


What do you got for today's post?! =)   


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